Stafford officials say downzoning will help concentrate growth into the targeted growth areas.  A county press release says:

The Healthy Growth initiative arose out of a desire by the Board for better-managed growth by adhering to Stafford’s Comprehensive Plan, a long-range vision for the County based on shared community values and preferences. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan recommends that the Targeted Growth Areas receive 50% of the projected future growth. Based on current approvals and development patterns, the number Targeted Growth Areas are expected in the future is only 8.2% of future growth. The Comprehensive Plan discourages residential development in the rural areas of the County.  The rural areas are planned to accept 20% of future residential growth. Current approvals and development patterns show that the rural areas would receive approximately 30% of the future growth, an unsustainable path considering the public safety, road improvement, water and septic, and school impacts it would create.

However, a group in the county opposed to downzoning says in a press release: